Dear me,
I don’t even
know where to begin. So much has changed since you were a young child. You
probably are getting annoyed at Hooyo for always dressing you up to go to some
party of your friends or Dad telling you off because you threw some food on the
floor. Always remember that all these things will add up and you will fully
understand why. There will be a lot of obstacles in your path and a lot of
struggle will come charging your way. But remember, the struggle you go through
will make you become patient, kind, compassionate and humble towards others.
So many
great things will happen. I can’t explain to you what they are but you know
soon enough little one. You will experience things you never thought you would
experience. You will accomplish challenges and expeditions that even a normal
person wouldn’t be able to comprehend. Also, you will experience pain,
frustration, and stress along the way. It comes both ways Mohamed.
You will
meet lovely people in your life. People will always have your back no matter
what. Never let them go. Also, there will be people that will say all the right
words at all the right time but in the end, its actions you should judge them
by. Its actions not words that matter. Travelling will be your utmost joy.
Going to cities, meeting new people and contemplating on yourself. There will
be a lot of that. Don’t be frightened because I know you will rise to the
occasion when it matters. Always do what you love. Because the things that you
love will get you to where you want to go. The mistake that you will do is set
high expectations on others, but always set high expectations on yourself.
was impossible until it’s done.
(Founder of Somali Sideways)
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