(Picture from Somali Sideways Facebook, Click to view)
Here we have Liban Enlay outside #SerpentineGallery, #London.
“As a six years old boy, I remember making up stories for my little sister. She couldn't leave the bed because of her heart condition. She was a year and a half younger than me and my only sibling. It all started from me pretending to be this boy called ‘Musa’. He lived in a world where there were no adults. He was the same age as her and had endless questions for my sister. He would ask her why she is in bed and not playing with her toys. She used to get many of them. Musa would tell her about his world about all the toys and sweets. About sleeping when you want and where you want. That you could eat anything you liked. I don't think she really believed my stories but it was an escape for both of us and a distraction from her heart that sometimes used to beat like a runaway steam train or the opposite like a train that was approaching the platform and was about to halt at anytime. I discovered my storytelling skills. This time I was older and by the age of nine I already lived in five different countries. As all boys of that age I had extensive knowledge of cars. It was my number one interest. Subjects like phone bugging and ransom payments were normal topics of discussion for my father and his friends. At the boarding school my audience were boys and girls that were my age who were much more eager but also questionable of everything I said. The truth is some stories got bit too colourful and over the top. My childhood imagination had no boundaries or limits. During summer holidays when we were at summer camp or at the empty school I was always first to be asked to tell a story. These days my favourite audiences are my sister’s two daughters who are three and six. Their favourite types of stories are about the mischief that me and their mum got up to as kids”. #SomaliSideways.
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